Performance services



McHale is now offering our proprietary Excel Add-In package to add functionality to Excel specific to performance testing and thermodynamic calculations. Please email us at for pricing.

McHale Performance Suites (MPS) provides results that are accurate and defensible. The defensibility of the calculations and test results is a core competency involved in multiple-party performance testing. Results are routinely challenged because of the significant awards and liquidated damages associated with performance guarantees. McHale conducts testing in over a hundred power plants a year. The functions are time-tested and verified in every performance and acceptance test McHale performs.

McHale Performance Suites provides additional confidence in the defensibility of results and minimizes the risk of computational blunders.



List of Features

Applicable for Mechanical Engineers in the Power Generation and Oil and Gas Industries


  • MPS is an Excel Add-In for use by Professionals in the Power Generation and Oil and Gas Industries.  It is a package of highly specialized and evolved thermodynamic equations that are used in data reduction and results analysis for evaluating heat balances and determining performance results.
  • MPS is a complete function package designed to provide the foundational engineering calculations and meet the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) requirements for performance testing.
Available in 32-Bit and 64-Bit Versions


MPS is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit versions. Compatibility requirements are trending to 64-bit systems, and McHale is in front of that trend.

McHale is first in developing and vetting the 64-bit package.  The Windows operating system and Microsoft Office configuration will indicate the bit size requirement, and McHale can assist in selecting the proper version for your desktop.

User-Friendly, Familiar, and Fast utilizing Microsoft Excel


  • MPS is very user-friendly, with simple installation and access through the familiar Microsoft Excel program.  McHale Performance Suites is programmed and compiled into an .xll file to enable fast computational times that will not slow down a worksheet.
  • It augments the list of essential functions provided in Excel, such as Sum or Count, with a new suite of functions for performing engineering calculations.  The functions can be used as if they were built into the spreadsheet program.  MPS is valuable in increasing computational efficiency and effectiveness, reducing the potential for errors and blunders, standardizing the calculations, and ensuring accordance with the ASME performance test codes.
  • MPS is a powerful and important tool for use in the power-generation and oil-and-gas industries and in broader mechanical engineering applications as well.
Workflow Designed to be Intuitive and Efficient


MPS is designed to remain as intuitive as possible to maximize the user’s workflow efficiency.  The user does not need to reference help files or spend time looking up how-to files.  The format convention is easily learned and applies to every function.

Alternate to Excel, Any Programming Language Using DLL Files

Although MPS is designed to interface with Microsoft Excel software, it can also be used by any Windows programming language that can call a DLL file, such as C#, F#, and Visual Basic.

Accurate, Robust, and Fast Formulations for Physical Properties


The functions include highly accurate formulations of physical properties. The accuracy of the physical properties is a significant feature of MPS.

MPS removes the risk from discrepancies in the published body of literature for physical properties. McHale participates with professional societies and research committees to ensure that it has compiled and vetted the physical properties consistent with the authoritative sources.

MPS includes independently validated formulations of physical properties for the following fundamental properties:

  • Psychrometrics
  • Steam
  • Natural Gas
  • Exhaust Gas
A Large Number of Functions for Complete and Specific Applications


MPS includes flow calculators, property tables (water/steam, air, natural gas, and exhaust gas), and other functions.

A complete listing of the current functions is shown in the help files published online.

Unit Conversion Utility for English and SI


  • MPS provides a utility for automatic unit conversions. MPS provides English and SI units.  Eight (8) combinations of temperature and pressure units are available for compatibility with various conventions, including international preferences from manufacturers and owners.
  • It is an Excel Add-In for use by Professionals in the Power Generation and Oil and Gas Industries. It is a package of highly specialized and evolved thermodynamic equations that are used in data reduction and results in analysis, for evaluating heat balances and determining performance results. MPS is a complete function package designed to provide the foundational engineering calculations and meet the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) requirements for performance testing.
  • MPS is designed to be very user-friendly, with simple installation and access through the familiar, Microsoft Excel program.
  • MPS is programmed and compiled into an .xll file to enable fast computational times that will not slow down a worksheet.
  • MPS augments the list of basic functions provided in Excel, such as Sum or Count, with a new suite of functions for performing engineering calculations. The functions can be used as if they were built into the spreadsheet program.
  • MPS is valuable in increasing computational efficiency and effectiveness, reducing the potential for errors and blunders, standardizing the calculations, and ensuring accordance with the ASME performance test codes and best industry practices.
  • The MPS function package is designed to support foundational engineering computations in accordance with the ASME performance test codes, including the published, authoritative sources and methodologies as shown below.

License Options for Purchase or Subscription

McHale Suites is offered in two options for its licensed use. McHale will provide either a one-time purchase or an annual subscription. The service will include future product updates through the subscription period and remote technical support and troubleshooting of any software or hardware issues.

One-Time Purchase of McHale Suites

  • Includes new downloads that become available within one (1) year of the purchase agreement.
  • McHale will provide the User with up to one (1) week of email and/or telephone support for the Software, for one (1) year from the purchase agreement.
  • The one-time purchase will have no expiration date.

Annual Subscription for McHale Suites

  • Includes new downloads that become available throughout the subscription period.
  • McHale will provide the User with up to one (1) week of email and/or telephone support for the Software for each year of the subscription
    agreement. If the subscription is not renewed, the software will cease to work and the subscription will be concluded.
  • In the event that McHale decides to discontinue the subscription service, the active subscriptions will be upgraded to a full version with no expiration date.*
  • When participating in the annual subscription program offering of McHale Performance Suites, McHale encourages user interaction with the McHale support team to incorporate desired product updates and capabilities within the package.
* McHale reserves the right to discontinue the subscription service at any time.

Software or Hardware (USB) Key

Both the annual subscription and one-time purchase will be provided with either a software or hardware license key, as shown in Section 3, End User License Agreement. The software license key will be tied to the particular User and the Hardware (computer). Should the User select a software key, and replace their computer, the software will no longer work until contacting McHale Technical Support to authorize the license transfer to a new device.

The hardware license key will be tied to a USB thumb drive that will be necessary in order to enable the functions to work. The USB key may be used on any computer, however, should the USB device not be connected to the computer, the functions will not work.