Power Plant Performance Monitoring in Knoxville
Continuous performance improvement is more important than ever in today’s highly competitive markets with global supply and demand chains and progressively informed customers with ever-increasing expectations. Effective strategies for performance improvement in today’s economic climate must be both accurate and comprehensive.
McHale can provide the most accurate instrumentation and detailed models of thermal systems available today. Better measurements and analysis mean better information, decisions, and operation, which is what it takes to successfully compete in the energy marketplace. McHale stands ready to assist you in achieving continuous performance improvement. Contact us to begin improvement of your assets today.
Power plant performance monitoring is essential for optimizing efficiency and ensuring compliance. What is power plant performance monitoring in Knoxville? It involves tracking and analyzing the performance metrics of a power plant to identify inefficiencies and optimize operations. This process is crucial for maintaining reliability, meeting regulatory requirements, and reducing operational costs.

Monitoring your facility’s performance is important to help maintain the equipment at peak operating conditions and provide the right knowledge in a functional format to improve your facility’s bottom line.
Your plant is operating well. Availability is good. Yet utilization is down, and there are concerns that the plant may not be performing at its best. Why isn’t the plant being dispatched when it can run at a profit? How much are performance issues costing you? How can you be sure?
You know that sooner or later, you’ll have to get a handle on performance, but there never seems to be enough time. You keep some records and you have regular logs. The pressure is on availability and maintenance budgets. There has to be a simple way to look at performance and know that the plant and equipment are running well. There also has to be a way to easily communicate that performance to the people who make the decision to run the plant in your market.
You’re not alone. Many plants don’t routinely monitor equipment performance. Equipment degradation may occur slowly over time and may not be noticed. Traders may not understand the benefits of running your particular plant. Hundreds of thousands of dollars of losses may occur every year due to missed performance or sitting idle in a profitable market. And no one is watching. Even plants that have systems in place don’t use them. Why?
A well-designed performance monitoring system will allow you to:
- See changes in plant and equipment performance using straightforward and effective graphics
- Identify action levels so you can plan maintenance
- Save money by identifying optimal equipment lineup and operation
- Increase reliability by identifying instrument issues before they affect plant operation
- Help staff understand how to optimize the plant
- Provide knowledge to asset managers and market traders for use in increasing the profitability of your plant
Why should you look at our performance monitoring package? There are other systems available, and many have great features. Some things to be aware of when comparing systems:
- Our system is developed by performance engineers with on-site testing and operational experience
- Results can be integrated with trading floor operations to provide real-time information for power traders
- Support is provided by people experienced with plant testing and performance evaluation
- The system can be customized for your plant

TEMPO Systems are:
- Installed at more than 20 facilities
- Customize systems for reporting plants performance and availability
- Integrated with plant control system (DCS), data historians, and office networks
- Used by operations, engineering, management, accounting, and energy traders.
The features of the TEMPO System help your staff operate and maintain your plant effectively
- Flexibility – Client computers can access and view plant and component models and graphics based on either real-time or historical data. Systems can be built using existing plant software and programs, or customized programs, including SQL databases can be built on an as-needed basis. Data inputs can be a mixture of DCS data, networked file or database information and manual data
- Accessibility – Plots, graphs, and charts of archived performance calculations can be viewed across the office network, including remote locations with proper security access. Access to real-time plant data and TEMPO Functions in Excel allows user to create custom performance calculation spreadsheets
- Automatic Daily Report Generation – Reports for Operations, Management, and Energy Traders can be generated automatically every morning. Automatic reports show Daily, Month-To-Date, and Year-To-Date plant performance. Daily Shift and Dispatch reports can also be generated
- Access to McHale Suites Functions – Steam Tables, Psychrometric Tables, and properties for natural gas, turbine exhaust gas, air and more are made available to all your Excel workbooks with the McHale Suites add-in for Excel
- Custom Plant Displays – These displays show DCS data and performance summaries for the Overall Plant and for Plant Components
- Analysis Modules – The Analyses can be either automatically updated with real-time data or run manually using archived data from a user-defined time period for Overall Plant or Plant Component performance
- Results available directly on the DCS
- Results calculated in the TEMPO modules can be sent back to the DCS for display on Operator screens, allowing operations to monitor plant and component performance while maintaining their focus on the control systems.