Our History

McHale & Associates Inc. was formed in 1995 by Pat and Mike McHale as an outgrowth of their experience providing power plant performance testing services for over 30 years for Ebasco Services, Inc. and successor companies. Our success comes from our experience in design, startup, testing and operations for natural gas, fossil (coal, heavy oil, and distillate), nuclear, renewable fuel, hydroelectric, geothermal, and wind power plants.

Our services are built around providing the right solution for the real problem. We have specialized in providing the following services:

Performance Improvement | Audits & Evaluation | Performance Testing | Performance Monitoring | Engineering Models | Client Advising

McHale Generations
McHale Timeline

Our Major Focus is on Plant Improvement

In a highly competitive power market, performance is essential. In a highly regulated market, demonstrating prudent operation is crucial. Efficient plant operation, fuel savings, and reduced emissions serve everyone. To improve performance, plants must look beyond technical quick fixes. Most of the easy solutions have been applied and there’s still more to be done.

Plant Testing Has Been a Large Part of our Company’s Work

McHale has tested well over 340,000 MW of power plants around the world. Our clients include independent power producers, architect, engineer, constructors, utilities, industrial power users, equipment manufacturers’ and O&M providers. Through years of testing we have developed a modular approach to quickly customize procedures and models to specific project requirements which keeps our high quality services exceptionally cost effective.

Our work with thermal performance audits, component testing, and overall performance testing has led to development of computerized on-line plant performance monitoring systems and economic optimization packages. Our startup and operations background combined with performance improvement expertise has helped us develop systems that plant engineers and operators can use to monitor and improve plant performance. Among our other services, we offer a comprehensive field tested instrumentation system rental package to facilitate data acquisition, as well as training and engineering models.

Our Success

Over our history, we have adapted to meet the needs of our clients, innovating and collaborating in step with technological advancements and market trends to develop new solutions and services. We owe our success to our practice of working side-by-side in partnership with our industry leading clients, and will continue to bring that experience to beneficially partner with your company as well.
